Islam & Earth

A collection of voices and conversations on Earth connection, environmental issues, climate action,and sustainable solutions through an Islamic worldview.

Episode 9, Muharram 1445

Insights on Nature Connection and Outdoor Education Approaches for Muslim Children & Families

In this episode of Islam & Earth in the Ashura Jumah of Muharram, 1445,  Sr. Shehnaz Toorawa, a Certified Outdoor Educator shares insights on how engaging Muslim children and families in outdoor immersive experiences can enhance their connection to the Creator and instill a deep and authentic sense of khalifah within them. 

Sr. Shehnaz is the co-founder and co-director of Earth Steps, where they believe Nature provides unmatched opportunities for learning and growth. For children, time in nature, especially in a variety of terrains and weather conditions, builds resilience, confidence, foresight and wisdom to face life's challenges. She explains how behavioural issues dissipate and unique strengths surface in natural settings where kids are free to be themselves.

Sr. Shehnaz shares about her personal journey into outdoor education and what led her to co-found Earth Steps.  She also shares personal insights on the ways she overcame some challenges in trailblazing into a space which doesn't have a lot of Muslim presence. 

Finally, she provides some practical advice on some simple ways that families can build a more nature-focussed approach within their lives, inshaAllah.


More info regarding  Sr. Shehnaz's work can be found at:
Website -

Tune in every other Jumah (Friday) for a new episode!